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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 21 and 22: because i'm lazy and a major fall risk.

Week 21 and 22 have been a bit achy, bloated and all around poopy. Something about these two weeks has hit me with a ton a bricks.

So I've been super clumsy. So clumsy, I actually fell and sprained my ankle and scraped the crap out of my leg. The above is an accurate depiction of my fall. I fell right in my neighborhood walking with my family. I wasn't even carrying anything or anyone. 

I am a huge fall risk. My ankle has been a cankle for a few weeks now. Any other preggos super clumsy?! I've learned your center of gravity is completely off starting this week due to a growing uterus.

Week 21: 

Week 22: 

Finally a bump, Ladies and gents. There are a few males that actually read this thing. 

Round ligament pain has been realllllll. This baby is growing at a rapid rate. 

Also, I've noticed I have an appetite at the beginning of the day and near the end of the day I have none, but i'm also nauseous. 

This makes no sense. I am fully in the second trimester and this is not supposed to happen. But I have to tell myself, this is a different pregnancy, I'm carrying a different baby/gender so anything can happen. 

On another note, when 5pm rolls up, i'm exhausted and can barely move. Apparently having a child with endless energy who continues to fight bed time is a continued problem. 


In other news, this baby is super active, so active in fact, he wakes me up and dances on my bladder all night long. #fifthelementvibes

Because of my working schedule and being a full time mama, i've had to start combining weeks. At least i'm still taking weekly pictures. This terrible twos thing is hitting me hard. 

Cravings: cold cereal. Lots of it. Avocado toast.

Aversions: meat. I made a fantastic greek lemon chicken soup and didn't want any of it. EGGS. 

Well this Mama is out. 

Questions for you: 

Did you randomly get nausea in the 2nd trimester?!

Literally freaking out because I realize tomorrow i'm 23 weeks and my baby will be here in nearly four months. Did you feel like one pregnancy flew vs the others?!

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