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Friday, April 12, 2019

That Catch Up Post

Sometimes you literally lose track of time, but now you know this is what it's like being a mom of two under three years old and this is literally everyday.

Hello 2019. Yes, I realize it's April.

Don't worry nothing has changed, still can't get everyone to look at the camera at the same time.

We have some catching up to do. So get comfy and get a cup of tea/beer/something good.

The last I left you, I had just uprooted myself from LA to move to Albuquerque, NM, had a baby and bought a new house.

Talk about a whirlwind.

Allie is nearly a three-ager and is currently potty training.... which is not for the faint of heart. Yes, I'm so tired of buying diapers and pull ups I could scream, but I also now have a fear of being in public with this child who refuses to go #2 in the potty and doesn't give a POOP about going in her undies. #puns The saga continues with that one. She is strong willed and will lose her mind on me in an instant. #three-nageriscoming

Eli is 7 months and hasn't started crawling yet, but its only a matter of time. He also has a slight temper, I'm blaming this on matt. Both of these children will let you know in an instant when something is going the way they need it to. I can't decide who he looks like yet. 

Seriously y'all this time thing scares me. I'm nearly half way through 31 years of age. YIKES.  

This year so far:

  • I have completed a Whole 30. 
  • Joined a mom fitness studio, which has been an amazing thing. #momtribe 
  • Lost 10lbs and 12 inches.
  • Have found a love of the trails again.
  • Started running again. 
  • Survived one bout of RSV, FLU and croup. LUCKY ME. 
It's really amazing to start feeling like yourself again in the postpartum realm. I know I speak for quite a few moms when they feel like they can't hit their stride like they did before. It's weird finding mom friends when you aren't in a social setting like school/work. 

This is an accurate depiction of trying to find a mom club, except everyone has a BOB stroller and Yoga pants. If you aren't a mom yet, come back to this post when you are. 

But I'm gonna be real with you, it's easier to find mom friends in Albuquerque than it ever was in Los Angeles, and I'm ok with that. 

That brings me to talk about my Mom fitness studio that I joined at the end of January, if you're interested and live in the Albuquerque area go here! This place is amazing. I can't tell you how great it's been hanging out with a bunch of ladies who are all in the same boat. From battling ear infections to slobbery children who constantly want to listen to that wretched Baby Shark song. We all work out together and support one another.

This is what I was hoping to find at this point in my life and I've found it, to my Fierce and Fabulous Wonder Women and beyond. You guys are amazing and motivate me every single day. 

My Lovely painted shirt that I have crafted for our challenge. Matt said my lotus flower looks like a vagina. 

#Itoldhimhelookedlikealotusflower  #mindful

I've started running again and loving on the trails again. It's just much harder here at 5000ft elevation. 
I'm slow and it aint pretty, but here's to making it happen every week whether my milage is 10 miles or 2 miles. 

#thiscatiseverything #probablymyfavoritethingaboutthispost

My babes are super healthy after Allie contracted FLU type A (she had the Flu Shot) and croup within a two week period and Eli having RSV over Christmas. 

Here's to hoping and praying we can get to summer without anymore illness.

One of my best friends of all time came to visit and paint with us. Uncle Dan you better get yourself back to the ABQ soon. 

Any who, I have no idea when I will pop in again, hopefully sooner rather than later but thanks for listening to all my rambles. 

Questions for you: 

Give me your potty training wisdom..... I'm fairly certain this girl would be in adult Depends if I let her. Best tricks for going #2 in the potty???

What songs are on your running playlists??

What motivates you to keep running?

Do you find running with a group helps? I've always been a lone runner but I don't want to be anymore. I find it way to easy for me to slow down.