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Monday, December 27, 2021

Week 31- Where did the last 9 weeks go?

Ok let's catch up a bit. 

Over the last 9 weeks, i've resigned from my job, turned 34 years old, celebrated Thanksgiving, passed my glucose test (thank goodness) and it absolutely looks like i've swallowed a watermelon according to my father (Thanks, Dad). 

It's been a bit of a whirlwind, but in a good way. 

I have no idea where Week 23 pic went, so on to week 24!

I have no idea how everyone listened to me ramble for 40+ weeks before. You guys are literally the best. 

The last 9 weeks have been good and emotional. It's no doubt I've been more emotional this pregnancy than all the rest. The holidays always stir up a lot of emotion anyway, and this is the first one since my mom passed. Whether or not you have a good relationship with your parents, it's still one that your subconscious will not ignore. Sometimes these surface, when you're making an old recipe, or remember a time that wasn't a dumpster fire. Whatever the case, it's always important to be gentle with yourself. Cognitive behavior therapy taught me a good way to cope with these memories and re-route them to a positive one and if you can't then acknowledge the bad memory and move forward, not suppressing. 

Thank goodness for therapy. So much of what we don't consciously think about often surfaces in our dreams. Pregnancy dreams are weird enough, believe me, but adding this has definitely added to my emotional vulnerability this year. Toxic people always tend to rear their ugly faces this time of the year. My advice for recovering from such an encounter will always be to take the higher road. Always try to see the good, even if the good is hard to see because it's covered in too much lipstick and unresolved toxic behavior. 

I turned 34 years old. Every year I have a birthday is seriously a blessing. Really anyone who has a birthday, really should be celebrated. After this last year, I think it was a big reminder of what is important. Honestly, I've loved every year i've gotten older. I'm able to become more of myself and literally not care about anything else, but enriching what I have. I think as i've aged becoming a better parent has become a priority. My children are always watching and I'm praying I always be the best I can be for them. 

I really have to stop a minute and talk about my husband, Matt. He's always so busy and always tries so hard to make time for his family which has not been easy the last part of this year. I really have been so grateful for him. 

I resigned from my job. In the last 9 weeks, my mental health has improved greatly. It's amazing what happens when you're able to distance yourself from bagging up bodies every shift (sorry, not sorry, for being blunt). I feel for my co-workers that tirelessly do this job every day. When you're in the thick of doing a job that is heavy every single day, you really lose sight of your own life. These days i'm more present for my kids. I'm able to finally listen to my body and pay attention to my anxiety. 

I'll be back in the ICU one day, hopefully a day that i'm able to give a little more. I really have so much to learn, but have created a great foundation with some amazing people that continuously poured so much knowledge into my practice, for that i'll always be grateful. 

On to all the baby stats. 

So far Baby Coates the 3rd is already FOUR pounds. His weight percentile dropped from 82% ti 62%. Thank goodness. I have to say I have been watching my diet and doing a little more more movement, other than chasing my children. I still have nightmares about delivering a 10 pound child, walking straight out of the womb. Literally these pregnancy dreams are the worst. 

Cravings: Naturally carbs. I passed my 1 hour glucose test the day after Thanksgiving. I was super proud of this. I also have been craving meats again. This has been good, because being in the third trimester I've always been anemic, except for this one. 

Aversions: NOTHING. It's really a first.

Baby Coates the 3rd is measuring slightly ahead. His cute little due date is 2/22/22, which is on a TWOSday (tuesday, pun intended). I mean how perfect is this date?! We all know this wont happen. My children don't give a crap about their due date and it's really just there to taunt me. 

This post has been long winded and if you've read this long, bless you.

As we go into the New Year, I hope that everyone is met with grace. Grace is something that is very hard for me to comprehend, I was always told that accomplishments and output is a measure of self-worth. It's taken me 34 years to know that it isn't. 

This really resonated with me and I hope that it does with you too. 

Until next time friends.