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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Weeks 23/24/25/26: Weird dreams about sleep, a glucose test, and a sprinkle of braxton hicks contractions!

So being a mom of a toddler is hard. I mean the other night I was so tired. I had a dream I had a newborn that I didn't feed for 10 hours at night because I was sleeping so hard. I literally woke up for 30 seconds looking for a new baby only to realize he was still safe in my belly and alas I wasn't a horrible mother.

Debunking this dream:

I can't remember the last time I slept 10 hours straight in the last two years. LOL.

Week 23: 

I completely forgot a bump picture. This preggo brain is real. #momfail

Week 24: 

This disney picture was just about as close as I got. #yetanothermomfail

Week 25: 

Besides this baby dancing on my bladder. Allie has been uncharacteristically sweeter about the baby. She very sweetly pats my belly and says baby.  She's just as sweet as the ice-cream cupcake she just shoved into her mouth. 

She also proudly wears this shirt around the house and refuses to take it off. 

She proudly celebrated her Dada's 31st birthday! 

Week 26: 

So I know I've really skimped on these past fews weeks, but i'll save you the details. There's been a really uneventful time in my pregnancy, up until this past week. I don't know what happened, but I'm so sensitive to the glucose drink. It tears my stomach up something fierce. After the test, I was able to eat normal but crashed super hard the rest of the day. 

I did pass my test. THANK GOODNESS, because there is no way in hell I was going to do the 3 hour test if I didn't. 

Literally days after the glucose drink, it took me a long time to get an appetite back. I had to leave in the middle of one of my shifts due to Braxton hicks contractions. It was unpleasant, but eventually stopped after laying in bed for a few hours and chugging an enormous amount of water. Never mind, that my load was completely and totally full this day and didn't even think about drinking water. 

This is frowned upon and not recommended. 

During this week, I have felt so tired, like felt a million years preggo. It's like Oh hey, this is nearing the end of that wonderful energy spurt you had in your second trimester. Good luck staying awake in the third trimester. Thanks preggo body. 

My body is slowly starting to get tired doing the smallest things. I'm finding that eating a big meal is way out. It's either eating small frequent meals or drink something. I can't do both at once anymore. 

Aversions: Not really anything, which is very strange for me. 

Cravings: avocado toast, cuties (made a big come back), watermelon, pretty much all the veggies. Nothing super strange like raw garlic a couple weeks back. 

Sleep: I feel like i'm never rested and it doesn't help that I chase a two year old everywhere.

I really do feel like the last 4 weeks went by too fast. This pregnancy I've felt very slow. I've also felt like I can't focus for long periods of time. 

Is it possible that Pregnancy makes you dumber?! Has anyone actually researched this?!

Any who. Just when I thought my life would slow down, I realize that my baby will be TWO years old JUNE 5. I cannot even tell you how sad this makes me. Time definitely speeds up into overdrive when you're a parent. 

How are these even the same child?!

Please excuse me while these pregnancy hormones and mama emotions whisk me away. 

Until till next time!! 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

A week of nurses, mamas and wedding anniversaries!

Woah. The past few weeks have gone by FAST.

I'll tell you in the past three weeks, I have gone to Disney twice in one week. Amazing.

This was Wednesday, celebrating Nurse's week with some of my favorite people: Happy Belated Nurse's week. I'm so late on everything these days.

A small ode to the people I work with: thanks for always being there. Sometimes, our floor gets so crazy hectic, but I feel much better about the chaos when we're all knee deep together.

I celebrated two very special days in ONE week.

On Saturday, we celebrated our 6th Wedding anniversary. It's no secret that I love being married. My husband, Matt drives me absolutely insane, but at the end of the day, he's my human. He loves me, believes in me and makes me feel more like myself than anyone.

I'm thankful for him everyday. We might not have done something outrageously cool this day, but there's not one person I'd rather share this fluffy fabulous cake with.

 We might not have anything ever planned out, but at least we have fun. I pick a different picture from our wedding every year to share and this one embodied the last year. Becoming parents thinking we got all this figured out and then realizing we don't have anything figured out and wing it every single day. Here's to another 100 years of having fun.

On Sunday of course was Mother's day, well I found myself at Disney again. I'm taking advantage all that I can, because I know we won't always get to go to Disney as much as we do now, most likely ever again. 

Becoming a mom was one of the best days of my whole life. I couldn't imagine that it's not like that for everyone.

A mom has an infinite definition in their child's life: confidant, their "person", boo-boo kisser, nurse, assistant, driver, personal cheerleader, I mean the list goes on and on.

Most people have amazing relationships with their moms and I never knew why I didn't have the same relationship. I'll save you the details, but it made me question every aspect of my future relationships with my children.

That's a lot of pondering my friend.

However, today i'll tell you this. No matter if you were a mama to your own child or someone else that was a bonus child, or a teacher that was a mother figure who was patient and kind. You're appreciated today and everyday. You nurtured someone's life for the better.

A special thank you to all the lovely ladies i've looked up to, you've been a fantastic example and my children are much better for it and so am I.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Week 21 and 22: because i'm lazy and a major fall risk.

Week 21 and 22 have been a bit achy, bloated and all around poopy. Something about these two weeks has hit me with a ton a bricks.

So I've been super clumsy. So clumsy, I actually fell and sprained my ankle and scraped the crap out of my leg. The above is an accurate depiction of my fall. I fell right in my neighborhood walking with my family. I wasn't even carrying anything or anyone. 

I am a huge fall risk. My ankle has been a cankle for a few weeks now. Any other preggos super clumsy?! I've learned your center of gravity is completely off starting this week due to a growing uterus.

Week 21: 

Week 22: 

Finally a bump, Ladies and gents. There are a few males that actually read this thing. 

Round ligament pain has been realllllll. This baby is growing at a rapid rate. 

Also, I've noticed I have an appetite at the beginning of the day and near the end of the day I have none, but i'm also nauseous. 

This makes no sense. I am fully in the second trimester and this is not supposed to happen. But I have to tell myself, this is a different pregnancy, I'm carrying a different baby/gender so anything can happen. 

On another note, when 5pm rolls up, i'm exhausted and can barely move. Apparently having a child with endless energy who continues to fight bed time is a continued problem. 


In other news, this baby is super active, so active in fact, he wakes me up and dances on my bladder all night long. #fifthelementvibes

Because of my working schedule and being a full time mama, i've had to start combining weeks. At least i'm still taking weekly pictures. This terrible twos thing is hitting me hard. 

Cravings: cold cereal. Lots of it. Avocado toast.

Aversions: meat. I made a fantastic greek lemon chicken soup and didn't want any of it. EGGS. 

Well this Mama is out. 

Questions for you: 

Did you randomly get nausea in the 2nd trimester?!

Literally freaking out because I realize tomorrow i'm 23 weeks and my baby will be here in nearly four months. Did you feel like one pregnancy flew vs the others?!