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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Super Short Post Sunday

Basically this weekend consisted of laundry and watching Downton Abbey. In case you're wondering Matt loves this show, and no I didn't have to bribe him to watch it.

I'm a lucky girl.

Oh and laundry. Apparently Matt doesn't like the way I fold clothes, so he insists on folding them. Does anyone else's husband do this?! 

Double win

I hate folding laundry and would much rather someone else do it. This marriage thing is pretty awesome these days. Don't judge our naked walls, i'm so indecisive these days. 

This weekend was pretty chill the cats didn't do much... but they contribute where they can. 

I hope everyone has a happy Sunday and that next week is fabulous. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

8 Things Los Angeles Has Taught Me

1. You do not go to Costco on Sunday or really any day of the week. Let me stress. You might get ran over. You're probably thinking to yourself, "i've been to a crowded parking lot, stop whining".

Our very first trip to Costco (in California), Matt bent over in the parking lot to pick up one of our dropped bags. ROOKIE MISTAKE. There were so many people pulling in and out of parking spots it was horrendous, I thought he was a goner.

If it looks like an open spot, someone has probably already spoken for it. Dog eat dog, people.

2. You must bring your own reusable bags to grocery stores. If you don't, they will charge you! I always liked getting the plastic bags, where else am I supposed to put the "leftovers" from the cat box? Any who, I really do think it's a better incentive to help our environment from all the people that don't reuse those bags.

3. Recycling is real. I mean there is an actual bin for it from the city. So now I have to do it too.

Guilty, I never recycled, pretty much ever. I know, I know. I'm the reason landfills exist, but I am now an avid recycler and am consistently making sure we use our recycling bin, because after all we are being charged for it.

4. You never realize how many things cause cancer until you move to California.

This is a warning sign from McDonald's. HELLO THE REST OF AMERICA, YOU ARE BASICALLY EATING CANCER. Never in my life have I ever seen this, now mind you, I never eat at McDonald's (minus the occasional ice cream cone), but this was alarming. 

McDonald's french fries, apple pies and coffee were major staples in my early 20's. If I get cancer, I'll just blame McDonald's and their ridiculously tasty fries. Has anyone else seen these warnings around the US? I think I hear someone saying, "No Ashley, shut up". 

5. People here are drive and live fast. They constantly live in a hurry. I thought I always lived in a hurry. I walk fast and drive fast and live in chaos. Not like Los Angeles. I have no idea where people are going or why they think they're gonna get there quicker, but they do. I mean the other day, Matt got cut off by a Segway. I SAID A SEGWAY. 


6. The 405 is a big ol' parking lot. Los Angeles taught me to hate this interstate, and that it's the norm to put the word "The" in front of it. It's a thing people. 

This is an everyday thing, i've just learned to get a big ice water, a couple granola bars and a really great playlist together before my commute to anywhere. I avoid this interstate at all cost and just use the side roads if I can. 

7. It's only been about 2 months since we've been gone from Charleston. I never realized until now, Y'all Charleston got in my bones. I miss it today. That community was like a hug that didn't let go until you did, during this transition I've missed that hug. In the hustle and bustle of LA life, there is something to be said for living slow that I didn't see until now.

Maybe I feel this way because Matt is pushing 28.. I said Matt, not me.

8. Most of all Los Angeles taught me that no matter where I am, my friends are still there. I might between 1500-2570 miles away, but they all make me feel like i'm right up the road.

There's not one better feeling than that. Not one.

It's Friday, Stay fabulous.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Serious Post with an Open Ending

So I haven't been posting very much lately and there is a definite reason why.

I have always been a very Type A person. I can't help it, if I don't feel like I'm working toward something, or making my time worth it, I feel I'm wasting time. I don't start my Bachelor of Nursing program until May, and this small transition from school to no school is hard. To say the least it's been a difficult transition from the East Coast to the West coast, much more than I thought it would be.

Yes, California is beautiful and I am so fortunate to be soaking up the sun and all that it has to offer. However, I'm trying to find my role here and where I fit in. Furthermore, I'm trying to figure out how to be a professional nurse from being a student for 8+ years.

I recently went to an open house to inquire about a job. The open house was 30 miles away and about an hour in commute, which in LA time is pretty good. You'll always be in your car for nearly an hour no matter where you go. Anyways, this open house is where interviews were being conducted on the spot, and I knew this was my chance.

The open house was from 7a-3p.  I showed up about 11a and stayed well after 3pm, when the open house was supposed to be shutting down, and I still didn't get a chance to be seen/talked to. There were new graduate nurses everywhere, some had just graduated and some had been RNs for TWO years and didn't have a job yet. My heart dropped. How can this be possible?

I realized something that I didn't before.

The fact of the matter is, Los Angeles, CA doesn't want to hire nurses without experience, PERIOD. It's expensive and super costly to train new nurses, it just is. It doesn't really matter if you know someone or not, or made the best grades, if you didn't go to nursing school in California, you'll have more trouble than you have ever known not finding a job. Some of these positions for new grads get 100's of applications when they only have 3 spots to fill.  Folks, you basically make your contacts in nursing school. Well I went to nursing school in Charleston, SC, so where does that leave me?

Being a military spouse can be really tough at times.  There are times when you feel like you don't belong and then there are times when you feel you have it all together. I don't talk a lot about being a military spouse on here, because I refuse to use it as a crutch, but I will tell you moving every 3-4 years and starting over is hard.

Do I want you to feel sorry for me?
No. Absolutely not.

I chose this lifestyle and would choose it again and again.

I now see this as a challenge, maybe one of my biggest ones yet. I've faced more than a few hurdles in my life and I know this won't be my last one. After all, life wouldn't be worth it, if it was easy all the time, right?

I know my perfect job out there is waiting for me. I will find it, just not in my time.

I know that timing is everything, if I can put the effort into 42 applications to one hospital (my last job), for a patient care tech job, I can put in the hours for countless amount of applications to many hospitals here in town.

I have a lot of good things happening in my life. My husband supports me 1000% and I have some of the greatest friends anyone could ask for. They lift me up when I need it the most. I live in a beautiful place and have met some amazing people. I will make California home, just like I did in Charleston.

I will focus on the good.

I will not let this discourage me.

I will see the good in this even if I can't right now.

Most importantly I will let this continue to be my open ending:

Stay amazing, y'all.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

SPS 6.2 edition

This weekend was a lot of fun.

I did the Hollywood Run with the Stars with some pretty awesome people. We woke up at 3am to leave the house by 340a- ish to be there by 430a to park and get ready to run at 6am. Yes, there was still traffic in the morning. We made it from our house in about 30 minutes, which never happens.

Y'all I was tired, but got very excited to be in all that was Hollywood.

I have to stop tell you a small-ish tangent. Since coming to California, you know we haven't had many friends, other than people Matt has met in his new work environment. These people in the picture below have really made us feel like we are at home. They have taken us to church and made us feel so welcome. I can't tell you what an amazing feeling it is to know someone cares about you in a place so far from family.

To my Charisma Peeps: You are amazing and wonderful, and we're so grateful to have found you.

The guy in the very middle in neon yellow is our spokesperson, He took so many picture during the run and put them on Facebook so quick, he would put your 16 year old sister to shame. Efficient that man is. He is wonderful. 

Yes, those are Texas running shorts. Love them and was so proud to rep my state! I loved hanging out with these ladies. 

It was a really cool experience, even though I didn't see any celebrities. You know the moment that I do, you'll know. 

We finished the race and I have to say it was such a cool event to be at. There was a runner spirit there that is universal. Everyone supported everyone, there were no sides, just comradery. It was everything against what I had ever heard about people in Los Angeles, they were kind and amazing.  

Later on in the week I pretty much slept the whole time and watched Game of Thrones and VEEP, which I'm pretty stoked are back, special thanks to HBO NOW! Best $15/month we spend. 

Everyone have an amazing Sunday. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy 100th post and 4 things today.

Happy 100th post!

I can't believe I have 100 posts of sheer randomness. You're welcome. No, but really I just am excited that I had this many things to talk about. Let me ramble some more into your ears.

Y'all I'm running a 10K this weekend, Hollywood's Run with the Stars. I'm so excited.
Um. There is totally a blurb on my race details stating, "celebrity etiquette". PUMP THE BRAKES.

CELEBRITY ETIQUETTE?  Like there will be celebs doing this half-marathon/10K with us? Awesome.

Apparently this blurb says to not disturb them and have good taste when approaching them. I think honestly I'd get too nervous to ask for a pic or anything.. I'll probably just look like the creepy girl in the shadows. I'm ok with that. However, I'm secretly hoping to see Will Farrell, apparently he is a runner and likes to run in these.

One day I'll have the courage to do a half marathon. One day.

Also, this.

A College Student Designed Some Ice Cream Flavours For Women With PMS 

Sometimes Buzzfeed is stupid, but this is spot on. I laughed wayyyy to hard when I saw this. It's just so accurate. Um, I would would like some "Don't come near me Rocky Road with little to no rage", please?

Seriously though, if they had this ice cream in the store, how could I not buy it? My moods are up and down and completely ridiculous in the reg. 

7-eleven does it again. If you don't have one of these in your town, Sorry College Station, TX, you'll be missing out on BRING YOUR OWN CUP TO FILL WITH SLURPEE day. 

Y'all it can be ANY CUP for $1.39 on Saturday, April 11, 2015 from 11a-7p, all locations should be participating.
Ridiculous, Yes. 
Will I most likely get sick from copious amounts of Slurpee? Yep. 
Will I drink the entire thing, NO, but I can bring a bowl and drink this out of a bowl, if I wanted. 
I will need lots of carbs after my race.. I'm just justifying this to myself so I can do it. 

It's official: My best friend is COMING TO LA TO VISIT ME!!!!!! 

I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Since coming to California, I haven't really made any friends, because i've been so preoccupied with finding a job (a feat in itself). I feel so far away from everyone and everything I used to know, and sometimes it gets really lonely. 

Yes, I still have Matt, but he's been so preoccupied with work, it's been tough to actually hang out without having to run a million errands. 

She's coming for a whole week! Now I have a reason to have a countdown again! 
69 days and counting!!! 

Happy Hump day, kids. You're almost to the weekend!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


I want to talk about this one blogger that has had an extremely influential part in my life this week. Her name is Andie Mitchell. She is without a doubt one of the most gifted, talented writers i've come across. You might have ran into her blog on

I'm posting this videos because it had a direct impact on my life. I have to say living here in California just the past couple weeks, I have noticed a change in my life due to the very different lifestyle here. I promise to blog about all my feelings later and tell you why I posted this.

But for now, I'm going to leave you with this.

Andie, if you ever read this. I want to say thank you. You so eloquently make sense. Thank you for inspiring me.

Always love yourself. Always. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy 1st Blogiversary to TGT!

April 1, 2014 I launched this little corner of the internet. A lot of people have asked why I started it, and that's when I think back to this month, a year ago and wonder why I did.

So the day before my very first test of my high-risk OB and Pediatrics class, I launched this blog. Nothing like adding more stuff to your plate, when it's already overflowing, right?!

At this point last year, my husband was deployed and I was drowning in nursing school. I needed a place to put my thoughts, these random, crazy thoughts. It turned out to be one of the most therapeutic things I did. 

I read a lot of amazing blogs and they inspire me. 

To do better. To be better. To do something for me. 

So all in all, I wanted to do the same thing for someone else that needed something positive to read on this corner of the internet. Something that either made them laugh, brightened their day, or motivated them to do something great. 

I haven't really decided where this blog will go, or what it will eventually be. BUT I'm pretty happy with the way it is right now. Carefree.

I want to say thanks for reading and supporting all my craziness and ramblings that pours out of my head and on to this blog.

You guys are awesome.