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Thursday, January 11, 2018

Toilets and Toddlers

Hello. This has got to be some kind of record. I mean. I did just blog last week.

My child also is obsessed with taking pictures. She already knows how to open my phone up for the camera. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew my password by now. Kids are too smart. Who remembers barely being able to play with an etch-a-sketch?!

How do I get rid of this Binky?! I swear my child becomes more dependent on this thing by the day. Please don't say cold turkey, I don't know if my emotions can take it.

So my life became complete again when HULU decided to put the ENTIRE series of Will and Grace. This was also a public service announcement. You're welcome.

What's EVEN better, my prayers were answered and this show is back. YES. I was a little taken aback by the first episode of the new season. I could have guessed as much. But come on.

This last week of work had me like: 

I swear every patient has C Diff right now on our floor and every single bacteria imaginable. The flu has taken over our hospital and won't let go. 

Speaking of POO. My little Allie cat is so preoccupied with the toilet lately. I mean she's obsessed. My time alone in the bathroom is officially over. She comes to find me in the bathroom so she can play with the toilet paper. 

Minus the cat and insert my child. Actually, scratch that, my cats and my child do this. 
Welcome to my life. 

We have also read the same books over 179753947 times and sang Row, Row, Row your boat in 3 different renditions the same amount of times. 

My child is all about repetition these days. I've watched Moana more times than I'm willing to admit. This fits a little too perfect. I can't even tell you. 

Y'all I need a new movie for my kid. I cannot watch this movie anymore. #momlife #momfail

I know I can't be the only one. 

And then last but not least a very random picture, because I love these two so much. 

Ps. Mama's when did you start trying to potty train your babies?! 

Is 19 months too early? 

Will I lose my mind in the process?

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