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Monday, July 9, 2018

Week 31: Sleepless in Los Angeles

A sleepless week indeed, but he's so cute though. How cool is technology?! I mean really. We can literally see this boy scratching his eye in utero. I'm really amazed.

This week I literally got 3 hours of sleep. This is also an accurate depiction of my life when Matt travels and I have to chase a toddler all week.

Allie must have known the days she needed to go to daycare, because each night she woke up at like 2am and screamed from her crib. She really never does this, but she knows when Matt is out of town and mom is sleeping alone. So of course, homegirl gets in mom's bed because rocking her at that hour never works and I have to get some sleep.

Preggo happenings this week: 
  • Cramps. Leg cramps. It's pretty much the package you get in the third trimester. Neat. It's a fantastic way to wake up and NEVER GO BACK TO SLEEP. 
  • Boob cramps/soreness. I guess this one was bound to show up, hopefully I don't experience any leaks. Question: has anyone leaked heavily before their baby showed up?
  • Crazy baby movements. It feels like my baby is moving his butt from one side to the other and It looks like I have an alien inside. A very cute alien.
Week 31 BUMP picture:

Cravings: Carbs. So many carbs. Black olives have made an entrance back into my life. 

Aversions: Nothing. Lucky this week. 

Mom gadgets: 

Some things i'm thinking of buying. 

This. The Willow Breast Pump

  • It's wearable, you literally put it in any bra. 
  • No cords.
  • No need for a breast pump bra. (this is huge.)
  • Quiet. 
  • Can wear it literally anywhere and no one will know. 
  • $450. 
  • Have to use the bags that come with the pump. 
  • It's still $450. 
The price tag makes me feel like I shouldn't need this. 


I'm buying this and don't even care that it has a $200 price tag. I bought one for Allie when she was 8 months and my life got so much better. She slept like an angel and I slept like an adult sleeps, one that sleeps longer than 20 minutes. 


I have a love/hate relationship with them. I love our BOB stroller. I can fit a whole bunch of crap in it. Allie likes to hate it because she's Miss Independent these days, but we went hiking with it and it really held up. I cleaned it with Color safe bleach and hosed it down and got it really clean. BOBs hold up super well for the money you pay for them. 

I'm just wondering who loves the Double Bob? I'm worried it's too wide to get through doors and such. I always see a lot of people who love the City Select double stroller. So i'm really torn. 

Matt really wants the Thule Double stroller. Does anyone have this one? 

The countdown has begun. I literally cannot believe we are less than 9 weeks away. I cannot wait to see this sweet baby's face on our side of heaven. 

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—get restπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


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