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Friday, June 13, 2014

Five Tangents.

1. How cute is this cat? He's so fluffy and I love him, I can't even handle it. It's been just me and Lou kitty hanging out all day. Loving this lazy day.

2. This. I don't think it needs an explanation. 

3. What in the ever loving hell is this?! I'm not even posting this picture because I don't want to look again. Seriously if I ever saw someone wearing this, I don't know how i'd respond. Sometimes I really wonder what goes through people's head when trends like these become a "thing". I'm actually wondering how this thing even stays on. 

4. OLE OLE OLE! I'm keeping up with the world cup!!! I actually really like soccer. I always wanted to play when I was a kid, but never had the chance because of one thing or another. Soccer isn't really too popular where i'm from. However, I love that fact that all the nations come together to play a sport and everyone has a lot of pride where they come from. I'm currently watching the Chile-Australia game, I'm rooting for Australia! My goal at the end of this world cup is have teams that I will follow during the years between world cups!

Random: Does anyone else think the Chile flag looks similar to the Texas flag? hmm. 

5. So I have an obsession... with Yankee Candle Company. When they have a semi-annual sale, I oblige. EVERY TIME. For all this I spent about $50, and that had free shipping. I was so pumped. If you are wondering what the second pic is, those are wax melts. They melt in any wax melter and can be put just about any where. 

I hope everyone is having a great Friday!


Anybody share a yankee candle obsession like mine?!

Who is watching the World Cup? If so, who is your team?

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