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About me.

Hey Y'all!

I'm Ashley. 
I'm from Texas.
I live in Albuquerque, NM.
I'm a Mama.
I'm a RN. 
I'm a military spouse.
I'm a crazy cat lady.
I have a husband who supports my cat addiction, who is the bee's knees.
I have a Aussie/Border collie Mix too. 
I love to eat. 
I love to talk even more. 
I occasionally try to be active. 
I try to travel as much as possible.

Welcome to this crazy place where I talk about non-sense, cats and life in general, here's a little bit more into my life.

My giant steak and I. 

I met my husband, Matt, in high school (2006). He will forever be my high school sweetheart.

Matt with a giant steak.

We got married May 12, 2012. 
Yes, I wore THESE under my dress. 

Seriously one of the best days of my life, right here.

This is my daughter, Allison Jade. She is everything and has made my life so sweet. 

This smug little baby is Allison Jade, 4 months in this pic 10/2016

I have two of the coolest cats you'll ever see on the internet! Meet Mr. Lou Kitty and Gizmo.

Mr. Lou Kitty

Gizmo Kitty

Greta, Our lovable GSD, who hates pictures, who is in heaven . 

Our little family at Camp Creek Lake, TX. My heaven on earth.

Thanks for stopping by!

Your Texan Girl 

Disclaimer:This Texan girl is fluent in sarcasm with the occasional cuss word. You've been warned. :)  I can suggest healthy things to you that have worked for me, but can not give medical advice. If you need medical advice, please turn to your doctor. As always, please email me with any questions you may have! 

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